Sunday, March 20, 2011
US society illness: how weird, males would "stalk", threaten, harm females, out of cultural and mental criminal deficiency.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Japanese engineers strive to restore power to nuclear plant pump to avert catastrophe . Situation now "serious, but reasonably stable."
At its worst, radiation in Tokyo has reached 0.809 microsieverts per hour this week, 10 times below what a person would receive if exposed to adental x-ray. On Thursday, radiation levels were barely above average.
Many Tokyo residents stayed indoors, however, usually busy streets were nearly deserted and many shops were closed.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
German Computer expert says US and Israel behind Stuxnet computer worm in Iranian atomic facility
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Singularity: Kurzweil on 2045. Immortality, invisibility now soon. Stay tuned.
Couple points : When singularity will be reached, we will not know about it. We will only know when it is approaching. Mainly because "we", traditional biological human beings, will cease to exist, as we know us. So as the world, the reality, will cease to exist as we know it.
The entities such as time, distance will lose their meaning and will disappear. The moment will last an eternity.
The disciplines currently pushing the border of singularity are: nanothechnology and genetic engineering.
Nanotech will yield shortly phenomena as general INVISIBILITY, because light can be bent and/or trapped, and subatomic, subquantum computers, whereas processors, computers, intelligence will become an intrinsic, natural part of a matter. So a brick of the near future will be smarter than a tire of yesterday:], and smarter than the collection of all supercomputers on earth today. Incredible magnitudes of change.
Genetic engineering will yield shorty an IMMORTALITY of human beings, via organs growing, harvesting, transplanting, via aging process manipulation.
Is all this progress and completion of singularity inevitable? No, it is NOT. It is a completely random process.
Tomorrow, any cataclysmic even on earth, natural or mankind made, may destroy most of life on our planet, pushing us back into caves.
We must realize we humans are programs, processes running inside a brain. An incredibly sophisticated processing unit, vastly unmatched by todays computers.
If today you read about flies, insects, being flown, animals being controlled remotely via electrodes in their brains, it is because it is an old news, and the secret laboratories reached some much more advanced levels, pushing the boundaries of imagineable.